Friday, August 24, 2007

Top Ten Men who USED to be hot but are now gross.

1. Michael Jackson

2. Jared Leto

3. Marlon Brando (yes, I know he's dead but he went from EXTREMELY sexy to disgusting before he died)

4. Tom Cruise

5. Mickey Rourke

6. Val Kilmer

7. Vince Vaughn

8. Elvis Presley (see note on Brando)

9. Michael Madsen

10. Benicio Del Toro


Jess said...

Ha! That is so funny, and true! I like your blog a lot, and your musical tastes. ;-) Keep up the awesome blogging!

Anonymous said...

Marlon Brando didn't get ugly. He just got old. I agree with most of the rest of them though. Except Michael Jackson. He was never hot.

Unknown said...

benicio will never be gross! I think your the one who is gross.

Anonymous said...


ELVIS AND BRANDO. never no hot.

but agree with rest

jackson was hot once upon a time.

Anonymous said...

Good job picking the UGLIEST pictures ever to drive home your point.

Anonymous said...

Your so wrong about Jared Leto. He will forever be hot. You just got one of those "caught off-guard" pictures. He's one of the ONLY men that can pull off eye-liner. For reals.

Anonymous said...

Jared Leto will be sexy till he the day he dies. I rekon he looks sexier in the second picture. (L)

Anonymous said...

dude it's so sad mj dies
but he was soooooooooooooo sexy in the 80's
i still love him